

The oldest of all animals presently living on Earth, turtles are reptiles of the Testudines order, which is the crown group of the Chelonia superorder. Chelonia characterizes the special shell tortoise and turtle species have developed from their ribs that’s purpose is that of a shield. A focal point of this blog will be lessons, observations, and other expressions taken during the work of finding, caretaking, and rehabilitating sick and wounded turtles in southeastern U.S.A. The life of a monk can be described in part as one that sustains some degree of separation from others not sharing the same purpose. Seeing as how the quirky behavior of the late and brilliant Thelonious Monk has been attributed primarily to mental illness, the name of this blog fits a shape with a ring that I hope is as pleasant to others as it is to me. PSEH abbreviates Patron Saint of the Eleventh Hour. Seemingly at the last minute but perhaps also all along the way, things have been working out divienley well in the life of this “blog” site’s chief “blogger.” Empire refers to the insane system of money, control, profit, and non-awareness that has become the tragic template of society in the United States of America. Lastly, stray dog is a nickname used for the walker of a certain walk in the 1990s.

6 Responses to “welcome”

  1. Awesome turtle photo Bud! …and I like the name of the blog too. It definitely fits you. I look forward to future postings.

  2. Ditto what Mike said!

    Also, I want to know who I’m looking at here–what kind of turtle? male or female? what’s he/she recovering from?

    • he is an eastern box turtle (please tell me you already knew this…. after all that time, gosh!). he was hit by a lawmmower several months ago but is recovering exceptionally well. thanks for asking!

  3. Beautiful photo and manifesto. Love you………..

  4. PS: is it really a pinhole camera? did you make it?

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